Sunday, December 23, 2012

Why Now Does A Week Feel Like The Blink Of An Eye?

Sooo!!! Something I have been (especially) thinking of since leaving school is that the concept of time has changed so vastly! In the past 3 years, I can remember weeks feeling as though 7 whole days was a lifetime, however, now I am finding this funny because I can't even keep track of what day of the week it is! Perhaps, that is because I have been so engulfed in this little thing that normal people call relaxation!!! haha :)

What's new? All Mr. Belvidere does is cat nap! haha :)

One thing I can tell you is that I have been thoroughly enjoying this time the Lord has given back to me to spend time with those that I love and have felt somewhat disconnected from over the past couple years. In the days past graduation, I was blessed to have been thrown a party by my cousin, Krissie, bringing it all together with one big "themed-out" hoorah! 

As bonus to my own party, I also got the opportunity to celebrate alongside some of my other nursing friends at theirs :) At my friend Brittany's party, one got the feeling for the all American family with burgers on the grill and all while on the other hand (and same day) I had the privilege of attending my friend Reshma's party. Now let me tell you, Reshma's party was nothing short of a cultural immersion! Her family is from Fiji with Indian heritage making this a unique experience. Everything from the people, music, and food was so original leaving me hoping for more celebrations with her in the future!

My party decor :)
Coming together as friends at Reshma's event
Moving on from these exciting events, I have had to abruptly embrace the art of slowing down!! Earlier this week, I found my mind racing thinking, "What should I do? ... What do I need to do?" Only to answer my own question! "Nothing Karen!!! Just stop and smell the darn roses!" It's funny to me that after having accomplished the monumental task that is nursing school, that I am finding it harder than ever to turn that part of me completely off. I keep thinking, "What is wrong with you?" But then I realize there is nothing "wrong,"  it's just that I am re-learning the person I once was and finding those small things outside of my career that have also given me purpose. I am coming to the realization that finding enjoyment in these small things will be important in my future making me a more well rounded nurse and person. I am not saying that carrying nursing with me is a bad thing, it is just that I am realizing now that it is not my "everything." Going forward, this mindset is what I believe will enable me to enjoy life and love what I do! I never want my career to be an obligatory part of my life, rather, I see it as an amazing blessing and perk bringing me in contact with individuals who open my worldview and bless me more than I bless them! 

So now when that little nagging voice says, "what to do, what to do?" I fire back saying, "Go forth and enjoy every day, every moment! Embrace the good and bad! Live what you love and love what you do!"


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 2013 here I come :)

On of my first "slow down moments." Baking cookies with my precious nephew, Roman. Nothing like seeing the world through the eyes of a child to put things into perspective!

Matthew 18:3
And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. 

A fun trip to Universal Studios Hollywood for "Grinchmas"

The "Whoville" Tree :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

The day after graduation, a new life, a new blog!

The fantastic 4
Our festive graduation caps :)

Our woohooo moment!
Our Dean and Associate Dean

My friend Courtney and I with our very special Dean!
Hmmm....where do I start? Did that just really happen? YES folks! I finally did it! A day that has been long anticipated!!! Nursing school is officially behind me...what an amazing feeling!!

I woke up this morning thinking, "what the heck do I do?" Over the past 4 years I have looked forward to this day when I would be officially graduated from nursing school, however, I am realizing now that having "something to do" has became more engraved in me than I would have ever thought!
This is not to say that I am not ecstatic about what the future holds! I am overwhelmed by a sense of adventure this morning and feeling more than ever humbled to have taken my Nightengale Pledge and be called "nurse." It is my hope in attempting to blog (something I surely never had time for before!) that I can work through the day to day emotions that will come with being newly graduated nurse. I've been told by many that have gone before me that the first year as an RN is the hardest so I thought hey why not write it all down! If there is anything nursing school did teach me it is that reflecting is important! Pretty sure my nursing friends are gonna read that and think, "wow that's an understatement!" But seriously! While trying to even just process this morning I began thinking, I need to write! In the past 4 years writing has been a large part of my life and truly I consider it one of my personal gifts that I never want to loose!

This blog for me is a way in keeping in touch with that side of me, so that I can learn to never stop processing things and hopefully bless others as I share those moments as a new nurse in her first year facing and conquering (with the help of JESUS) those challenges that will shape and mold my new role :)

For those of you reading this (friends, family, and faculty) I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for supporting me! Your smiles and love for me last night were priceless. It is truly a moment I will replay in my mind forever! I love you all :)